Appointments to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Board
26 Mar 20192. The new board member is:
Ms Lai Chin Yee
Finance Director
Qian Hu Corporation Ltd

3. The re-appointed board members are:
Ms Ameera Ashraf
Partner and Head of Competition & Regulatory Practice
Wong Partnership LLP
Mr Ho Meng Kit
Chief Executive Officer
Singapore Business Federation
Mr Lee Boon Ngiap
Assistant Managing Director, Capital Markets Group
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Mr Ong Khiaw Hong
Chief Executive
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
Prof Tan Cheng Han
Professor of Law, Faculty of Law
National University of Singapore
4. The Ministry of Finance and the ACRA Board welcome Ms Lai Chin Yee to the Board. MOF and ACRA would also like to express appreciation to the retiring member, Mr Lee Wai Fai, whose current term ends on 31 March 2019, for his invaluable contributions to the Board.
5. The ACRA Board comprises sixteen members (including its Chairman). The list of members, with effect from 1 April 2019, is attached at Annex B (84 KB).
Issued by Ministry of Finance
26 March 2019