Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review

Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review

Published once every two years, the Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review takes stock of how Singapore has fared in key areas of national interest, ranging from lifelong learning, health, housing and sustainability, economy, to security and diplomacy.

Support For You Calculator

Support for You Calculator

Find out the estimated benefits you and your household may receive from the Government with the Calculator.

Support for you and your household

Upcoming support for you and your household

Check out the calendar of disbursements in FY2024.

FY2024 Budget Statement

FY2024 Budget Statement

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong delivered the FY2024 Budget Statement on Friday, 16 February 2024, in Parliament

For Individuals
Tax schemes and services, social transfers and schemes, etc.
For Businesses
Corporate registration, tax schemes and services, Government procurement, etc.
Fiscal Policies
To ensure fiscal sustainability, support economic growth, and promote social equity
Tax Policies
To meet Singapore’s long-term fiscal needs and support economic and social objectives
Reserves Policies
To balance tapping on reserve investment returns while maintaining reserve growth
Govt Procurement Policies
To enable efficient and effective procurement across the Public Service
International Policies
To advance Singapore’s international interests at multilateral and regional platforms
Press Releases
For latest news and announcements  
Parliamentary Replies
For oral and written replies from Parliamentary Questions
For speeches by our Political Office Holders and management
Public Consultations
For public consultations on proposed amendments to MOF’s policies and schemes
For insights on trends and outcomes relating to our work in Finance