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Who Manages the Reserves?

Given their strategic importance, it is vital that we enhance the long-term value of our reserves. To achieve this, the assets are invested professionally and on a strictly commercial basis, with the aim of generating sustainable returns over the long term. The Government’s assets are mainly managed by GIC Private Limited (GIC). The Government also places deposits with the MAS; in turn, MAS as a statutory board holds its own assets on its balance sheet. In addition, the Government is the sole equity shareholder of Temasek Holdings (Temasek). Temasek owns the assets on its balance sheet.

The Government plays no role in decisions on individual investments that are made by GIC, MAS and Temasek. At GIC and MAS, whose boards include Ministers, investment decisions are entirely the responsibility of their respective management teams. In the case of Temasek, where the Government has no representation on the Board, investment decisions are fully independent of any Government involvement or influence.

The Government’s role is instead as follows:

  • First, the Government establishes the overall investment mandates and objectives of GIC, MAS and Temasek.
  • Second, the Government ensures that each of these entities has a competent board to oversee their management and seek to ensure that their respective mandates are met.
  • Third, the Government systematically reviews the overall risks of its whole portfolio of assets invested by the three entities. This includes monitoring whether there is appropriate diversification in terms of asset classes, sectors and geographies. The Government also assesses the impact of various adverse global scenarios across medium to long-term timeframes on the whole portfolio, to ensure that the downside risks to the whole portfolio are not excessive.
  • Fourth, based on the overall risk profile of the Government’s portfolio, it decides how government capital should be allocated among the three entities. This takes into account the different investment orientations of MAS, GIC and Temasek, which place them at different parts of the spectrum of investment risk.

who manages Singapore's reserves

Monetary Authority of Singapore

The MAS, as the central bank of Singapore, manages the Official Foreign Reserves (OFR) of Singapore.

Being a central bank, MAS is the most conservative of the three investment entities, with a significant proportion of its portfolio invested in liquid financial market instruments.

GIC Private Limited

GIC is a professional fund management organisation that manages Government assets. Its objective is to achieve good long-term returns to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves.

GIC is a fairly conservative investor, with a globally diversified portfolio spread across various asset classes. Most of its investments are in the public markets, with a smaller component in alternative investments such as private equity and real estate.

Temasek Holdings

Temasek is an investment company managed on commercial principles to create and deliver sustainable long-term value for its stakeholders.

Temasek is an active, value-oriented equity investor that aims to maximise shareholder value over the long term.

Watch this CNA documentary for a day in the life of a GIC and Temasek officers, and how they manage the reserves.


[6] See page 18-22 of the 2014 Temasek Review.
[7] Investment gains/losses are always tracked by comparing the current market value of investments held against the historical purchase price for these investments. Capital injections do not increase or decrease the current market value or historical purchase prices of investments.