The SRS is part of the Singapore government’s multi-pronged strategy to address the financial needs of a greying population by helping Singaporeans to save more for their old age. It began in 2001 and is operated by the private sector. The SRS complements the Central Provident Fund (CPF). CPF savings are meant to provide for housing and medical needs and for basic living needs after retirement. Unlike the CPF scheme, participation in SRS is voluntary. SRS members can contribute a varying amount to SRS (subject to a cap) at their own discretion. The contributions may be used to purchase various investment instruments.
The SRS offers attractive tax benefits. Contributions to SRS are eligible for tax relief. SRS contributions made on or after 1 Jan 2017 are subject to a cap on personal income tax relief of $80,000 per Year of Assessment from Year of Assessment 2018.
Investment returns are accumulated tax-free and only 50% of the withdrawals from SRS are taxable at retirement (referred to as a “50% tax concession”). Please refer to IRAS' website for more information on how withdrawals will be taxed.
Latest Enhancements to the SRS
We review and enhance the SRS periodically to better meet the retirement needs of SRS members. Some recent enhancements to the SRS include:
Allowing SRS withdrawals to be made in the form of investments from 1 July 2015 (More information can be found in Q25 to Q50 of the SRS Booklet (
85 KB)(
412 KB));
Providing a tax exemption of up to $400,000 for SRS funds deemed withdrawn upon demise, or withdrawn in full on the grounds of terminal illness (More information can be found in Q37 to Q38 of the SRS Booklet (
85 KB)(
412 KB); and
Increasing the SRS contribution cap.
Increase in SRS Contribution Cap
From 1 January 2016, the annual SRS contribution cap will be increased to:
$15,300 for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents; and (ii)$35,700 for foreigners.
More information can be found in Q12 of the SRS Booklet (85
Declaration Form for Foreigners (
180 KB)
Medical Certificate Form (
76 KB)
Please click on the SRS FAQs to learn more of the scheme.
Specific enquiries on SRS: Email IRAS at “myTax mail”
Non-confidential enquiries on SRS: Send your queries to IRAS via this link.