More than $28.1 billion disbursed under Jobs Support Scheme since February 2020
29 Mar 2022Over $145 million in final JSS payouts to be disbursed from 31 March 2022
1. Over 19,500 employers will receive the final JSS payouts totalling over $145 million from 31 March 2022 under the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) to support the wages of over 289,500 local employees. These employers are in sectors, like food services, which were affected by safe management measures instituted in the second half of 2021.2. With this payout, more than $28.1 billion of JSS support would have been disbursed since the introduction of the scheme at the Unity Budget in February 2020. The JSS has provided wage support for employers and helped them retain local employees during the pandemic. The JSS is estimated to have saved 165,000 local jobs from March to December 2020, and helped support local wages.
3. The March 2022 payout will cover wages from November to December 2021 (refer to details in Annex A). Employers who have made mandatory CPF contributions for their local employees for the months of November and December 2021 by the stipulated deadlines will qualify to receive the payout. Eligible employers will be notified by post of their payout amount later this month. They can also log in to myTax Portal to view the electronic copy of their letter.
Payment of Enhanced JSS for the Food Services Sector
4. To qualify for the enhanced JSS, employers have to be in the stipulated sectors. In particular, for the food services sector, the company must hold a valid food licence from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA), and be registered under the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) codes of 56 or 68104 (meaning they are registered as operators of food services, including food courts, coffeeshops and canteens).
5. Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and the Ministry of Finance had earlier extended the enhanced JSS to several entities with valid SFA licences, but without any SSIC codes. This was on the assumption, based on previous experience, that these entities were stallholders offering food services, and therefore should still qualify for the JSS, even without the relevant SSIC codes. At that time, we had proceeded with the payments to ensure swift disbursement of funds to all affected entities. But we have subsequently checked in January 2022 and found that the assumption was incorrect for 38 such entities, and these include unions, clubs, associations and religious organisations. These entities have a food licence (e.g. to run a small canteen) but they are clearly not in the food services business. There is therefore erroneous JSS payments to these 38 entities[1]. All 38 entities have been notified, and have committed to returning the overpayment of $32.2 million.
6. There may also be instances where companies do not have the relevant SSIC codes, and did not receive any JSS payments, but are, in fact, deriving majority of their income from food services. Some of these could be businesses that started out in a different industry and then switched to food services, but have not updated their SSIC codes with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. In such cases, companies can appeal and we have been looking at such appeals on a case by case basis. Businesses with additional queries on this issue may write in to
Earlier payouts for employers with PayNow Corporate or GIRO
7. Employers who have registered for PayNow Corporate as at 27 March 2022 or have existing GIRO arrangements with IRAS can expect to receive the JSS payouts from 31 March 2022. Other employers will receive their cheques from 22 April 2022.
Review of mandatory CPF contributions and penalties for abusing the JSS
8. It is vital that employers contribute the right amount of CPF for their employees, based on actual wages paid. Employers’ CPF contributions are used to determine the amount of JSS payout.
9. To ensure that payouts are fairly and correctly disbursed, about $5 million in payouts for March 2022 are withheld from 292 employers, pending their review and submission of supporting documents to IRAS to substantiate their eligibility. Employers will receive their payouts once IRAS has verified the authenticity and accuracy of the information submitted. Their payouts would be adjusted or denied if issues are found during the review.
10. The penalties for any attempt to abuse the JSS are severe. Other than having their JSS payouts denied, offenders can be charged under Section 420 of the Penal Code, where they may face up to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine. Businesses or individuals who wish to report any malpractices or potential abuses of the JSS may do so via email to or online at
11. For more information, please visit
Enterprise Singapore
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Ministry of Finance
29 Mar 2022
[1] The error is unique to the December payout. Earlier tranches of payouts were not affected.