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More than $150 Million in MediSave Top-Ups for about 300,000 Pioneers in July 2024

07 Jun 2024
    About 300,000 Pioneer Generation seniors (Pioneers) will receive MediSave top-ups in July 2024, amounting to more than $150 million in total. 

2.   MediSave can be used to pay the premiums for MediShield Life, CareShield Life, ElderShield and other MediSave-approved insurance plans, as well as medical expenses such as hospitalisation, day surgeries, and selected outpatient treatments. 

3.   The PG MediSave top-ups are provided in addition to the annual GST Voucher – MediSave top-ups1 for eligible Singaporeans aged 65 and above.

Pioneers will receive MediSave Top-Ups of up to $1,100 

4.   Pioneers receive MediSave top-ups of $250 to $900 each year. In addition, older Pioneers (aged 85 years and above in 2024) who have serious pre-existing conditions receive further top-ups of $50 to $200 per year from 2021 to 2025 to help them pay their MediShield Life premiums (see Table 1). The additional MediSave top-ups for older Pioneers with serious pre-existing conditions was announced by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on 21 December 2020, as part of our commitment to keep MediShield Life premiums affordable for our Pioneers who have generally accumulated less MediSave than younger Singaporeans. More information on the benefits of the PG Package is at Annex A. 

Table 1: Pioneer Generation Annual MediSave Top-Ups
Year of Birth
(Age in 2024)
No serious pre-existing conditionWith serious pre-existing conditions2
Born before or in 1934
(90 and above)
$900Additional $200
(i.e. total $1,100)
Born in 1935 – 1939
(85 – 89)
$700Additional $50
(i.e. total $750)
Born in 1940 – 1944
(80 – 84)
Born in 1945 – 1949
(75 – 79)

5.   Together with the special premium subsidies, these annual MediSave top-ups will continue to support the affordability of MediShield Life premiums for all Pioneers. Older Pioneers aged 90 and above in 2024 will continue to see their MediShield Life premiums fully covered. Younger Pioneers will have about two-thirds of their MediShield Life premiums covered. 

Go Digital to Receive Your PG MediSave Top-up Notification Earlier 

6.   Pioneers who have downloaded and completed their one-time set up on the Singpass app will receive the PG MediSave top-up notifications via their app inbox by 11 June 2024, informing them of the amount of MediSave top-up they would be eligible for. 

7.   Those who have not set up their Singpass app, but have registered their mobile numbers with Singpass before 09 June 2024, will receive an SMS by 11 June 2024, notifying them of the amount of top-up they are eligible for. The rest of the Pioneers will receive letters by end-June 2024.

8.   To safeguard against scams, the SMS notification (sent by “MOF”) will only inform Pioneers of their benefits. Pioneers will not be asked to reply to the SMS or provide any information to the sender. No messages on PG Package will be sent via WhatsApp or other mobile app messaging platforms. 

More Information on PG Package

9.   More information on the PG Package is available at

10.   For clarifications, Pioneers may call or email:

a.   1800 2222 888 (PG Package); 1800 650 6060 (healthcare matters)3; or


[1] The amount of GST Voucher – MediSave that a senior citizen receive is dependent on age, Annual Value (AV) of the place of residence, and the number of properties owned. More information can be found at
[2] The additional MediSave top-up is applicable from 2021 to 2025.
[3] Kindly note that airtime charges apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines and calls are free of charge only if made from regular land lines.

Annex A: About the Pioneer Generation Package

    The Pioneer Generation Package honours and thanks our Pioneers for their hard work and dedication. This special cohort has made Singapore what it is today. Singaporean seniors who meet the following conditions are eligible for the Pioneer Generation Package:

a.   Born on or earlier than 31 December 1949 (i.e. 75 years old and above in 2024); and

b.   Became Singapore citizen on or before 31 December 1986.

2.   The Pioneer Generation Package comprises the following lifetime benefits:
a.   Annual MediSave top-ups of $250 to $900 (was $200 to $800 before 2021). The amount is based on the birth year. Pioneers born earlier receive higher top-ups as they typically have accumulated less savings. From 2021 to 2025, older Pioneers (aged 85 years and above in 2024) who have serious pre-existing conditions and need to pay higher MediShield Life premiums will also receive a one-off MediSave top-up of $50 to $200 per year.

b.   Special subsidies for outpatient care:
i.   Additional 50% off the remaining bill for subsidised services and medications at polyclinics and public Specialist Outpatient Clinics;
ii.   Special subsidies at General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics under the Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS); and
iii.   Cash assistance of up to $1,200 a year for those with moderate to severe functional disabilities under the Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme (PGDAS).

c.   Special premium subsidies of 40% - 60% for MediShield Life premiums, depending on age.

3.   In addition, Pioneers who join CareShield Life from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 will receive participation incentives of $3,000, which will be spread equally over ten years and used to offset the annual premium payable in that year. This is in addition to any means-tested premium subsidies that Pioneers may receive.