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About 250,000 children to benefit from $200 top-up to Child Development Account (CDA) from Sep 2021

27 Aug 2021
1. Every Singaporean child (aged 0 to 6 years in 2021) will receive a top-up of $200 to their Child Development Account (CDA) from mid-Sep 2021. The top-up will benefit about 250,000 children. 

2. This top-up is part of the Household Support Package announced at Budget 2021 to provide families with additional support for their child-raising expenses. Singaporean children aged 7-20 years received a similar $200 top-up to their Edusave account or Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) in May 2021 [1].

3. Funds in the CDA can be used to pay for the child’s or his/her sibling’s educational and healthcare expenses at Approved Institutions (AIs). These include registered childcare centres, kindergartens, special education schools, providers of early intervention programmes, providers of assistive technology devices, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and optical shops. The list of AIs can be found at

4. The top-up will be credited directly into the child’s CDA from mid-Sep 2021 or after CDA opening, whichever is later. Parents who have yet to open a CDA will need to do so by 30 Jun 2022 for their children to receive the top-up. Eligible parents will receive notifications informing them of the successful top-up. 
More Information on CDA

5. The CDA is a special savings account for Singaporean children. The Government will co-match savings dollar-for-dollar, up to the co-matching cap. Children born on or after 24 Mar 2016 will also receive an upfront CDA First Step Grant of $3,000 from the Government which will be automatically credited into the CDA. More information on the CDA benefits are available at 

6. More information on the Household Support Package announced at Budget 2021 is available at 

7. For clarifications, the public may:

a. Call 1800 111 2222 (Baby Bonus Hotline); or
b. Submit a query via Virtual Assistant “Ask Jamie” at



[1] Children born on 1 Jan 2015 and who have started primary school in 2021 will receive the top-up in their Edusave accounts.